Adding User Accounts

Upgrading Your Account

The first step in adding accounts is ensuring that your account is able to add them. From the dashboard (homepage), click on “Setup” in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This takes you to the setup page. Look for a line of text in the middle of the page that says “Your account allows X user(s).” (X will be a number). If it’s “1 user”, then you need to send an email requesting that your account be upgraded. (Cick the “need more” text.) Each additional user costs extra, and is added manually, so before you can setup users make sure your account allows for more users than you currently have.

How to add a User

Once you have the ability to add a user, go to the setup screen and click the button that says “Add User”. Fill out the fields in the pop-up screen and click the “add new user” button”. You will get a message that tells you the account was created (or if it wasn’t, it will tell you why), and from here we need to make sure their preferences are set up correctly.

Setting Their Contact and Callback Notifications Preferences

Next to the username of the account you just created, click on the “contact info” and ensure that everything looks good. Next, click the “callback notifications” button and select which emailed callback notifications the user wants. “Only Mine” is the default, which emails the user only for callbacks that they created. “All” sends an email for all callbacks. (This is helpful if you have an appointment setter or other staff that doesn’t work on certain days.) “None” is for staff that won’t be making any callbacks.

Setting Their Access Privileges

If the user is sales focused, there are no special access privileges to set. But if the user is an appointment setter or data entry person, then you must assign them that role.

For data entry staff, click on the “data entry mode” button and when you see the question “Restrict Access to Data Entry Only”, select “yes”. This will ensure when the user logs into the database they go to the data entry page (and they can’t go anywhere else).

The only other option is whether or not to allow this data entry account to upload leads. “Yes” will turn that feature on and allow them to upload excel docs directly into the database. Because there are a number of potential and irreversible issues that could come up, I recommend having this selection be “no” unless you trust this person and their ability to use this software. (As an example, if they uploaded leads from a spreadsheet different than the template, they would add potentially hundreds of leads where info would be in the wrong field. The only way to fix this would be to manually find and delete the affected leads.)

Account Setters have a few options to select in order for their account to work properly. Click on the “Appointment Setter Options” button next to their username and answer “yes” to the question “Is this user an appointment setter?” to enable the account.

From there the only other option is to assign what call list(s) they can use. Appointment setters can access up to 3 unique call lists, so make sure that your call lists are set up beforehand so you can assign them to the appointment setter.

There are fields for appointment setters that sales-based accounts must fill out, but this is covered in the “Adding and Appointment Setter” section.

Adding and Managing Staff

Adding and Managing Staff

Setup a Data Entry Specialist

Ensure their account is setup and ready

If you haven’t setup the data entry user, please reference the “Adding User Accounts” section above. Now is a good time to double-check that everything is setup in the “setup” page.

Data Entry View Walkthrough

When a data entry user logs in the view is almost exactly the same as the “add leads” page. The obvious difference is that there are 3 numbers on the top of the page to track progress – leads added today, this week, and in the last 30 days.

To read up on the process of adding leads, click here to go to that section of the manual.

Adding an Appointment Setter

Ensure the appointment setter account is setup and ready

If you haven’t setup a new user and assigned them as an appointment setter, please reference the “Adding User Accounts” section. Now is a good time to double-check that everything is setup in the “setup” page.

Enter AD / AE Appointment Details

The nature of an appointment setter is to call for an AD (or another salesperson, such as an AE.) Because of this, there are some details that need to be filled out for any account that the appointment setter will be calling for.

From the “Setup” page, click on the “appointment setter options” button next to the AD / AE that the appointment setter will be calling for. There are three sections to fill out:

  1. Meeting Locations – These are options for meeting places when the prospect doesn’t have an office location available. A brief description of its location and any other pertinent details are advised. (The idea is to make sure the appointment setter feels confident in setting the meeting, and having a good option helps.)
  2. Neighborhood Info – A brief description of the neighborhood(s) the appointment setter will be mentioning is helpful in having them appear knowledgeable when making calls.
  3. Google Calendar Link – More detail is below on how to generate a google calendar link, but the purpose of this is to give the appointment setter a list of “open” appointment slots on your calendar.

Sharing a Calendar with an Appointment Setter

How to Create a Calendar with Open Appointment Slots for an Appointment Setter

1. The first step is to create a new calendar specifically for sharing your open appointment slots with your appointment setter. Go to google and click on the calendar icon. 

2. On the left-hand side of the screen there is a list of all the calendars associated with your n2 account. You’ll notice a plus icon above them. Click on that.

3. Select “new calendar” to create a calendar just for your appointments. (If you already have a calendar set up that you want to share, skip to step 8)

4. A simple “new calendar” page will appear. Enter the title of the calendar (preferably something with your name on it, since the appointment setter may be working with more than one person), and a short description (optional). Double check the time zone too. Then click “create calendar”

5. Once the calendar is created, you’ll see it listed on the left side of the screen, with your other calendars. Click on it to see a list of options for your new calendar.

6. In the list of options, click on “Share with Specific People”. On the right side of the window you’ll see your name, and an “add people” button below it. Click “add people”

7. Now you can add your appointment setter, so they can see your calendar. Make sure they have a google email (or n2pub email), otherwise they’ll need to get one. Finally, select “make changes to events” underneath so they can edit your appointment details, and click “send”. This notifies your appointment setter that there is a calendar you want to share with them.

8. Now that your new calendar is shared, it’s time to integrate it into LEADS. If you just shared your calendar, click on the calendar name on the left hand side of the window to show you a list of options for your calendar again. Look for “integrate calendar” and click on that. If you’re coming from the homepage, move the mouse to your appointments calendar, and as your mouse hovers over the name, click on the three dots to the right of the calendar, then “settings and sharing”. On the next page look to the left side of the window and click “integrate calendar”

(If you are coming from the calendar homepage):

(If you are already at the settings page):


9. You’ll notice a list of really long web address links. We need to copy the one that says “public URL to this calendar”. Simply double click on the link until the entire link is highlighted, then right click to copy the address. 

You're done setting up your calendar in google! Congrats. Now it's time to paste the link you copied into your database. 

10. Go back to your database, make sure you are in the “Setup” screen, find your username, click “Appointment Setter Options” and then paste the link in the “Google Calendar Link” field. (Command + v on a mac, Control + v on a PC. Alternatively, you can paste from the edit menu)

11. Once you have a Google calendar dedicated for appointments that’s shared with your appointment setter, you need to have “Open” appointment slots for the appointment setter to fill. Since the appointment setter can’t see all of your calendars, they don’t know when you’re truly open. So you have to tell them.

12. Go to where you normally create calendar appointments (whether that’s in your browser, Outlook, Apple’s Calendar, etc – it doesn’t matter at this point) and create an appointment slot in your new calendar. Title it “Open” and make sure it’s assigned to the calendar that you’re sharing with your appointment setter. If you want to make it a repeating event (every week, for instance), that’s fine. Make sure it’s saved.

Repeat this for all available open slots for your week, next week, or however long you want. At this point your appointment setter knows what times to offer a business, because they will automatically be able to see these “Open” appointment slots in the database.

Make sure if your schedule changes you delete any open appointment slots, so your appointment setter doesn’t accidentally schedule you when you’re not free.

Dashboard Walkthrough

When an appointment Setter logs into the database, their dashboard is divided into 3 sections:

  1. At the top left of the screen are two icons. The AD / Market Info is where the appointment setter can see the contact info of the AD, the neighborhood descriptions, and meeting location suggestions. If the appointment setter is calling for more than one AD/AE, they have the “switch user” option to switch the info to another salesperson.
  2. The middle left of the dashboard will show 1-3 call lists (based on the settings of the appointment setter in the setup page).
  3. The appointment setter’s numbers are displayed on the right side of the dashboard. These numbers are almost identical to a regular AD account with two exceptions. First, there is no mention of “added leads” since that’s not relevant to them. Second, appointment setter accounts measure “appointments set” instead of just “appointments”. AD’s are concerned about when the appointment happen (this week, today, next week, etc), but appointment setters are more concerned with when the appointments are set. (“I set 4 appointments today. 2 this week, and 2 next week.”) This software takes this difference into account, so “appointments set” measures their performance the way they should be measured.

Using the software is the same for appointment setters as a standard AD account, so please refer to the section, Logging Calls and Appointments for a step by step process to use the software.

How an Appointment Setter Schedules Appointments

When an appointment setter needs to offer a list of available appointment times, they can click on the “Calendar” icon to see open times. Once the prospect agrees to a day/time, this is the process of adding that to your calendar.

  1. From the details page (where you log calls) at the top of the screen is a “Calendar” icon. Click on it.
  2. A pop-up window should show a list of appointment slots. (If not, it’s almost always because they aren’t logged into google. Click on the link below the white window to login.)
  3. The appointment setter can click on the “Open” slot, then click “more details” to update that event.
  4. A new window will open with the event details. Click on the pencil icon to edit this event.

  5. From here the appointment setter can change the title from “Open” to something like “Appointment with Windows and More – Rich”. They can also add a description by clicking next to the “description” row and entering any details.

  6. When done, click the “Save” button. If the event is a repeating event, a box will pop up asking if they want to change all events, or just this one. Select “Only this event”

  7. Now, close the window and go back to the database. The next time you press on the “Calendar” icon it will show the updated details. The AD’s calendar will update within a few minutes, and likely send an email (depending on the settings for the google calendar) of the updated event.

Tracking Staff Performance

A question most business owners ask after outsourcing parts of their business is, “How do I ensure that I’m supporting my team without micromanaging them?” After all, business owners hire people to free up time, but without proper oversight and management, the very people we brought on to save us time ends up costing us more than if we’d done it ourselves. Often the reason for this is due to poor management and training. Without the right tools, it’s tough to know how to coach your team. The primary purpose of this software is to help increase your efficiency in making calls, but a secondary purpose for this software is to help you properly manage your staff through a few key metrics.

Appointment Setter Numbers

Appointments Setters have one job – set appointments. And while their overall efficiency is due to a number of variables outside the scope of this software (quality of leads, presentation of the script, properly overcoming objections, etc), there are some variables that are important and trackable. Here’s how to look at them.

From the dashboard (homepage) look at the numbers section. Next to your username is “change” button that allows you to view the numbers for another team member. Click on the button, select the user, and press “Go”. You’ll notice 3 key numbers:

  • How many calls they have made (for the day, week, or in the last month)
  • What their call ratio is
  • How many appointments they have set

Call ratio is the most important number of the three, but again, a lot goes into that number. To further analyze the appointment setter’s efficiency, one suggestion is to dive into the number of calls they made. Click on the number below the “Called this Week (or day or last 30 days), and from the list screen click on “Last Contact” near the upper right hand of the screen. This put the calls in chronological order. Click on the top lead, and note the date and time. Now click the “next” button to go the next call. Note the time. Do this a few times and you will get a sense of how long they are taking between calls. An appointment setter who is efficient should average less than 3 minutes between calls. (20 calls / hour) An average appointment setter will be 4 minutes between calls. (15 calls / hour). Anything less and the appointment setter is either spending too much time on the phone or is spending too much time between calls. This is helpful information!

Another way to evaluate appointment setter performance is to note the responses for each call. Lots of voicemails or “no answers”? That’s an issue with the quality of leads. If they are getting a lot of “call back later” responses they are either having trouble getting through a gatekeeper, or they aren’t being assertive enough in asking for the appointment. These insights allow you to properly coach your team just by quickly glancing at their recent performance.

Data Entry Numbers

Data entry roles have a single focus – add good leads. There are two factors for measuring success in their role – how many leads they are adding, and how good are these leads.

The first criteria for success – how many leads are being added – is easy to measure. Just change the view to see your data entry person’s numbers (the same process as the appointment setter, described above) and look at how many leads have been added. Easy.

The next criteria – how good are the leads – is a bit more subjective. Here’s a recommendation. Click on the number below the “New Leads in last 30 days” box to bring up their leads. From the list view just take a look at the business names. Do they sound like good leads? Now dive into the details page of a lead by clicking on it and note the lead source / rank score. Are the numbers consistently low or high? Low numbers (1-4) mean higher priority / rank. High numbers (5-7) are low priority leads (usually indicating that the business is not necessary working in the neighborhood, close the community, or a quality business for its industry). Too many low ranking leads mean more training should be given on how to source better leads. Left unchecked, the data entry person is just making the caller’s job harder, and potentially making your time less efficient by putting you in front of prospects that aren’t a good fit. It’s important to keep an eye on new leads, since it’s where your business is choosing to focus its sales efforts.